Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. 2035

Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. 2035

Monday January 15, 2035

3615 days from now

Upcoming Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. 2035 Dates: The Next 10 Years (Day of the Week & Countdown)

Here’s a list of the next 10 years’ Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. 2035 dates, including the day of the week and how many days remain until each date.

Holiday Date Day Days to go
Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. 2035 January 15, 2035 Monday 3615
Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. 2036 January 15, 2036 Tuesday 3980
Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. 2037 January 15, 2037 Thursday 4346
Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. 2038 January 15, 2038 Friday 4711
Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. 2039 January 15, 2039 Saturday 5076
Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. 2040 January 15, 2040 Sunday 5441
Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. 2041 January 15, 2041 Tuesday 5807
Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. 2042 January 15, 2042 Wednesday 6172
Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. 2043 January 15, 2043 Thursday 6537
Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. 2044 January 15, 2044 Friday 6902

Perhaps one of the most influential figures in US history, Martin Luther King, Jr. is a name that almost every American knows. Being one of the central figures of the Civil Rights Movement, he encouraged nonviolent activism in the face of injustice.


Born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia, the world-renowned civic leader was known to have moved people's hearts through his public speaking, especially during the March of Washington in 1963, where he delivered the famous 'I Have a Dream' speech. In this speech, he dreamed of a future where people were treated equally and were measured by their character, instead of the color of their skin.


National and Community Events


Martin Luther King, Jr. is a courageous hero who helped change the country and encouraged people to right a historical wrong. To reward that and keep his spirit alive, people across the country celebrate in parades, rallies, and other community activities. Some cities present dramatized versions of King's speeches, while others hold marches in his honor.


During this month, you can expect schools and museums to do special presentations to help children appreciate that Martin Luther King Jr. played a role in American history. Those living in Florida can expect even bigger celebrations as the civic leader's home state, with a memorial service held at the Ebenezer Baptist Church every year, where he used to preach.




Since MLK Day is known as a National Day of Service, many people often show efforts of volunteerism and charity in honor of Martin Luther King. Additionally, many people take advantage of the holiday by holding food drives, cleaning parks, or helping school children.


It helps one fulfill Dr. King's principles on how "everybody can be great because everybody can serve." Whether you spend an hour alone or the entire day full of service, it is an excellent chance to meet people and let the flame of Martin Luther King’s commitment to service burn bright.

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