Below is a list of some of the most common holidays for 2029 , including the weekday they fall on and how many days remain until each one.
Click on the name of the holiday to see a list of all the dates that this holiday will occur over the next 10 years.
Date | Day | Holiday | Days to go |
January 1 | Monday | New Year's Day | 1543 days from now |
January 15 | Monday | Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. | 1557 days from now |
February 2 | Friday | Groundhog Day | 1575 days from now |
February 14 | Wednesday | Valentine's Day | 1587 days from now |
February 19 | Monday | Washington's Birthday | 1592 days from now |
March 17 | Saturday | St. Patrick's Day | 1618 days from now |
April 1 | Sunday | Easter | 1633 days from now |
April 22 | Sunday | Earth Day | 1654 days from now |
May 5 | Saturday | Cinco de Mayo | 1667 days from now |
May 13 | Sunday | Mother's Day | 1675 days from now |
May 28 | Monday | Memorial Day | 1690 days from now |
June 14 | Thursday | Flag Day | 1707 days from now |
June 17 | Sunday | Father's Day | 1710 days from now |
June 19 | Tuesday | Juneteenth | 1712 days from now |
July 4 | Wednesday | Independence Day | 1727 days from now |
September 3 | Monday | Labor Day | 1788 days from now |
October 8 | Monday | Columbus Day | 1823 days from now |
October 31 | Wednesday | Halloween | 1846 days from now |
November 11 | Sunday | Veterans Day | 1857 days from now |
November 22 | Thursday | Thanksgiving | 1868 days from now |
November 23 | Friday | Black Friday | 1869 days from now |
November 26 | Monday | Cyber Monday | 1872 days from now |
December 25 | Tuesday | Christmas Day | 1901 days from now |